About If It's Flags
If It's Flags is owned and operated by Krantz Ventures LLC. Krantz Ventures LLC is registered and has been located in the Commonwealth of Virginia since 2003. The owners have been in the retail business since 2002. In 2003, Krantz Ventures LLC was formed to support their expanding 'brick and mortar' retail business. Krantz Ventures LLC operated a successful cellular retail business until the retail operations were sold in 2010. Maintaining ownership, the owners kept Krantz Ventures LLC dormant until 2015 as the owners took a break from 'retail'. In 2015, as the owners began exploring their retail interests outside of a typical 'brick and mortar' business, the idea of online retail arose. Continue reading to learn how Krantz Ventures LLC became a retail leader in decorative house and garden flags.
The Journey
Krantz Ventures LLC has placed customer service and integrity as a top priority since it's conception. Confident that these values have been the cornerstone of their success, the owners were very cautious in product selection and in their online retail solution. Beginning in 2015, wholesale suppliers were carefully explored and product purchases began in order to test the many aspects of online retail, such as quality, costs, product storage and shipping to name a few. The owners were on a quest to find quality products that they were personally interested in that could be offered at competitive pricing while providing excellent customer service.
After a year of testing the retail of products in the online market, Krantz Ventures LLC created If It's Flags as an online retailer of decorative house and garden flags.
If It's Flags, an online retailer of decorative flags for your home, lawn and garden, has successfully operated since 2016. The owners continue to contribute their success to maintaining their original core values and promise to offer quality products with excellent customer service, all at very competitive prices to it's valued customers.
We strive to be your trusted online retailer of quality outdoor decor for your home, lawn and garden.
Contact us at sales@ifitsflags.com.